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Cement sales for October 2011

Written by  Dr Johan Snyman
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Cement sales for October 2011 Cement sales for October 2011

Cement sales for October 2011










Cement sales in OCT 2011 were 10.3% higher than in OCT 2010 (with equal trading days).



On a year-on-year basis, the (smoothed) Annual Percentage Change was +6%.



This graph shows the long-term trend.



The next graph compare the annual percentage change in cement sales with the annual percentage change in the average of the time series Total Building Plans Passed and Total Buildings Completed.  The fit looks pretty good, keeping in mind that cement is also sold into the construction works market (not reflected in either BPP or BC).



We expect a modest percentage revival (single digits) in cement sales during 2011/12.

Dr Johan Snyman

Dr Johan Snyman

Johan Snyman obtained his BComm and MComm in Economics at the University of Stellenbosch, and complete his doctorate at the University of Cape Town.  He spent 8 years working as an economist at the Bureau for Economic Research, University of Stellenbosch and then established a private consulting firm, becoming Director of Medium-Term Forecasting Associates, a company specializing in research into building cycles and building costs.

In 2007 he was appointed Adjunct Professor in the Department of Construction Economics and Management at the University of Cape Twon.